Monday, June 25, 2012

Join Delta Sky Club

Delta Sky Club $25.99 per Month

PowerMiles Airline News and Offers

Delta just posted a club room video to help attract passengers to their club rooms. These clubs were traditionally for business travelers and now more people are using them to unwind.

The Delta Sky Club is an award-winning retreat that allows relaxation, productivity, or both.
Enjoy our complimentary beer, wine, spirits, and snacks served all day, and use our free Wi-Fi to connect and make the most of your time at the airport. You'll also find knowledgeable agents ready to assist with any Delta flight needs.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Calls to UK 2 cents

Compare these international cell phone rates to those you are paying with AT&T ® Verizon ® T-Mobile ® Sprint ® Metro PCS® and Nextel ®

Online billing prepay as little as $10. No pin code to type in.
Rates shown per minute.
International Plan Sign Up Now

Calling from the US using Any Cell phone or Land line
Afghanistan0.250Japan - Mobile0.150
Albania0.070Jordan - Mobile0.269
Albania - Mobile0.150Kenya0.180
Albania - Tirana0.159Kenya - Mobile0.250
American Samoa0.080Kuwait0.100
Andorra - Mobile0.160Laos0.070
Andorra -Mobile0.189Latvia0.070
Angola0.150Latvia - Mobile0.200
Angola - Mobile0.200Lebanon0.110
Anguilla0.150Lebanon - Mobile0.200
Antarctica - Casey0.350Liberia0.199
Antarctica - Norfolk Island0.500Libya0.160
Antarctica - Norfolk Island -0.500Liechtenstein0.050
Antigua & Barbuda0.130Liechtenstein - Mobile0.600
Antigua & Barbuda - Mobile0.299Lithuania0.060
Argentina0.040Lithuania - Mobile0.180
Argentina - Mobile0.090Luxembourg0.040
Argentina - Rosario0.039Luxembourg - Mobile0.160
Armenia - Mobile0.230Macedonia0.130
Aruba0.100Macedonia - Mobile0.250
Ascension Island0.600Madagascar0.200
Australia - Mobile0.150Malaysia0.050
Austria - Mobile0.200Mali Republic0.200
Azerbaijan - Mobile0.160Malta - Mobile0.180
Bahamas0.040Mariana Island0.600
Bahrain0.070Marshall Islands0.500
Bahrain - Mobile0.200Mauritania0.230
Bangladesh - Chittagong0.080Mauritius - Mobile0.289
Bangladesh - Dhaka0.080Mexico0.090
Bangladesh - Mobile0.180Mexico - Acapulco0.040
Bangladesh - Sylhet0.080Mexico - Aguacalientes0.040
Barbados0.070Mexico - Atencingo0.040
Barbados - Mobile0.160Mexico - Celaya0.040
Belarus0.200Mexico - Cuernavaca0.040
Belarus - Mobile0.200Mexico - Guadalajara0.040
Belgium0.030Mexico - Irapuato0.040
Belgium - Mobile0.200Mexico - Leon0.040
Belize0.180Mexico - Mexico City0.040
Belize - Mobile0.230Mexico - Mobile0.180
Benin0.150Mexico - Monterey0.040
Bermuda0.070Mexico - Puebla0.040
Bhutan0.160Mexico - Queretaro0.040
Bolivia0.150Mexico - San Luis Potosi0.040
Bolivia - Cochabamba0.080Mexico - Tijuana0.040
Bolivia - La Paz0.080Mexico - Toluca0.040
Bolivia - Mobile0.150Mexico - Torreon0.040
Bolivia - Santa Cruz0.080Micronesia0.250
Bosnia Herzegovina0.150Moldova0.130
Bosnia Herzegovina - Mobile0.200Monaco0.050
Botswana0.090Monaco - Mobile0.180
Botswana - Mobile0.160Mongolia0.100
Brazil - Curitiba Mobile0.150Morocco0.200
Brazil - Mobile0.150Morocco - Casablanca0.230
Brazil - Porto Alegre0.060Morocco - Mobile0.250
Brazil - Recife0.060Mozambique0.150
Brazil - Rio De Janeiro0.039Myanmar0.350
Brazil - Salvador0.060Namibia0.090
Brazil - Sao Paulo0.039Namibia - Mobile0.150
Brazil - Vitoria0.060Nauru0.850
Brazil -Belo Horizonte - Mobil0.150Nepal0.180
Brazil -Sao Paulo Mobile0.150Nepal - Katmandu0.350
British Virgin Islands0.150Nepal - Mobile0.350
Bulgaria0.050Netherlands - Mobile0.200
Bulgaria - Mobile0.200Netherlands Antilles0.110
Burkina Faso0.160Netherlands Antilles - Curacao0.150
Burundi0.130Netherlands Antilles - Mobile0.160
Cambodia0.130New Caledonia0.300
Cameroon0.250New Zealand0.040
Canada0.020New Zealand - Mobile0.200
Canada - Alberta0.020Nicaragua0.180
Canada - British Columbia0.020Niger0.150
Canada - British Columbia - Va0.020Nigeria0.130
Canada - Manitoba0.020Nigeria - Lagos0.090
Canada - New Brunswick0.020Nigeria - Mobile0.250
Canada - Newfoundland0.020Niue Island0.700
Canada - Nova Scotia0.020No. Mariana Islands0.100
Canada - Ontario - Ottawa0.020North Korea0.500
Canada - Ontario - St. Marie0.020Norway0.030
Canada - Ontario - Thunder Bay0.020Norway - Mobile0.180
Canada - Ontario - Toronto0.020Oman0.180
Canada - Ontario - Windsor0.020Oman - Mobile0.250
Canada - Quebec0.020Pakistan0.070
Canada - Quebec - Montreal0.020Pakistan - Islamabad0.100
Canada - Saskatchewan0.020Pakistan - Karachi0.070
Canada - Yukon & NW Territorie0.020Pakistan - Lahore0.230
Cape Verde Islands0.250Pakistan - Mobile0.100
Cayman Islands0.090Palau0.350
Central African Republic0.160Palestine0.200
Chad Republic0.160Panama0.040
Chad Republic - Mobile0.300Panama - Mobile0.180
Chile0.030Papua New Guinea0.300
Chile - Mobile0.180Papua New Guinea - Mobile0.429
Colombia0.070Paraguay - Mobile0.150
Colombia - Bogota0.050Peru0.040
Colombia - Cali0.050Peru - Mobile0.200
Colombia - Mobile0.100Philippines0.130
Comoros Island0.300Philippines - Mobile0.180
Cook Islands0.600Poland - Mobile0.090
Costa Rica0.060Portugal0.030
Country Name0.000Portugal - Mobile0.200
Croatia0.050Puerto Rico0.030
Croatia - Mobile0.180Qatar0.230
Cuba0.700Qatar - Mobile0.350
Cyprus0.050Reunion Island0.180
Cyprus - Mobile0.090Romania0.100
Czech Republic0.040Romania - Mobile0.200
Czech Republic - Mobile0.060Russia0.060
Denmark0.040Russia - Kazakhstan0.150
Denmark - Mobile0.180Russia - Moscow0.020
Diego Garcia0.850Russia - St. Petersburg0.020
Dominica0.100San Marino0.050
Dominican Republic0.060Sao Tome0.850
Dominican Republic - Audiotext0.110Saudi Arabia0.150
Dominican Republic - Mobile0.110Saudi Arabia - Jeddah0.080
Ecuador0.130Saudi Arabia - Mobile0.289
Egypt0.150Saudi Arabia - Riyadh0.080
El Salvador0.100Senegal0.200
El Salvador - Mobile0.159Seychelles Island0.150
Equatorial Guinea0.230Seychelles Island - Mobile0.250
Eritrea0.300Sierra Leone0.300
Estonia0.040Sierra Leone - Mobile0.799
Estonia - Mobile0.200Singapore0.020
Falkland Islands0.600Slovakia - Mobile0.150
Faroe Islands0.130Slovenia0.050
Fiji Islands0.250Slovenia - Mobile0.250
Fiji Islands - Mobile0.799Solomon Island0.850
Finland - Helsinki0.160South Africa0.070
Finland - Mobile0.160South Africa - Mobile0.150
France0.020South Korea0.040
France - Mobile0.150South Korea - Mobile0.080
French Antilles0.060Spain0.030
French Antilles - Martinique0.160Spain - Mobile0.160
French Antilles - Mobile0.160Sri Lanka0.180
French Guiana0.080St. Helena0.600
French Guiana - Mobile0.200St. Kitts0.160
French Polynesia0.200St. Lucia0.110
Gabon0.070St. Lucia Cell0.180
Gabon - Mobile0.130St. Pierre & Mequelon0.160
Gambia0.200St. Vincent0.110
Georgia0.060St. Vincent Cell0.180
Georgia - Mobile0.130Sudan0.150
Germany - D1 T Mobile0.150Swaziland0.090
Germany - D2 Vodafone0.150Sweden0.020
Germany - E Plus0.150Sweden - Mobile0.180
Germany - Mobile0.150Switzerland0.030
Germany - Viag0.200Switzerland - Mobile0.250
Ghana - Mobile0.150Taiwan0.030
Gibraltar0.060Taiwan - Mobile0.100
Gibraltar - Mobile0.160Tajikistan0.100
GMSS3.600Tajikistan - Mobile0.160
Greece - Mobile0.150Thailand0.040
Grenada - Mobile0.180Tonga0.250
Guadeloupe0.060Trinidad & Tobago0.080
Guadeloupe - Mobile0.200Trinidad & Tobago - Mobile0.100
Guatemala - Mobile0.130Turkey - Mobile0.150
Guinea Bissau0.500Turks & Caicos0.160
Guinea Bissau - Mobile0.999Tuvalu0.700
Haiti - Mobile0.250Ukraine - Kiev0.119
Hawaii0.040United Arab Emirates0.180
Honduras0.180United Arab Emirates - Mobile0.230
Hong Kong0.020United Kingdom0.020
Hungary0.040United Kingdom - Mobile0.160
Hungary - Mobile0.160Uruguay0.100
Iceland0.040Uruguay - Mobile0.200
Iceland - Mobile0.200US Virgin Islands0.030
Indonesia - Mobile0.130Vanuatu0.700
Inmarsat3.600Vatican City0.090
Inmarsat A6.999Venezuela0.080
Iran0.090Venezuela - Caracas0.040
Iraq0.090Venezuela - Mobile0.200
Ireland - Mobile0.180Wallis & Futuna0.600
Israel0.020Western Samoa0.350
Israel - Mobile0.090Yemen0.150
Israel - Other0.200Yugoslavia0.110
Italy0.030Yugoslavia - Mobile0.250
Italy - Mobile0.200Zaire0.300
Ivory Coast0.200Zambia0.150
Jamaica - Mobile0.180Zimbabwe0.100
Japan0.040Zimbabwe - Mobile0.200
Please note: When using the toll-free access number, calls from payphones are subjected to a FCC mandated surcharge of .65 per call. Add .02 per minute when using the toll-free access number from any phone.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Delta Air Lines New York - Kennedy (JFK) To San Juan, Puerto Rico (SJU) $129

New York - Kennedy (JFK)

Delta Air Lines
To San Juan, Puerto Rico (SJU) $129 restrictions Apply
Origins and Destinations
Each-way sale fares for travel from select cities in the US and Canada to select cities in Latin America and the Caribbean.
$129-$699* each way, based on a round-trip purchase.
Additional fees/restrictions/baggage charges may apply.
Purchase by
June 18, 2012
Travel Period
Travel may begin September 3, 2012 and must be completed on or before December 6, 2012.
Advance Purchase & Minimum Stay
28 days; 3 nights minimum stay
Blackout Dates
Other Rules
Tickets may be purchased at
*For more information regarding additional fare rules, fees, and baggage charges that may apply, see Terms and Conditions.
Sample Fares to Latin America

Don't see your city listed? Click Book Now and enter your city for more great deals to other exciting Travel Getaways.
And, if you're not already receiving our Weekly Web Fare Specials via email, click Sign Up for Email.
Additional fees/restrictions/baggage charges may apply. Fares shown are each-way fares based on required round-trip purchase.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

AA Advantage Half Million Miles Sweepstakes

PowerMiles Airline Offers See site for details and restictions
The Summer of Half-A-Million AAdvantage® Miles Sweepstakes! 
The AAdvantage eShoppingSM mall is celebrating summer with a sweepstakes worth a half-a-million miles! You could be one of two eShopping members who will win a 100,000 American Airlines AAdvantage® mile grand prize, or one of ten eShopping members who will win 30,000 AAdvantage
miles — that's a total of half-a-million miles!

Go ahead! Start dreaming of your next summer getaway. Enter for your chance to win between
6/14/12 - 7/14/12 and learn how to receive multiple entries a day!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

JetBlue App for iPhone

JetBlue App for iPhone


Book travel

Search for and book flights to your favorite destinations.


Get your check-in reminder 24 hours before your flight and check-in instantly right from the app.

My trips

Itineraries with a TrueBlue number attached will automatically appear in the app.

Instant updates

Receive real-time flight updates within the app and via push notifications.

Smart home screen

Based on where you are in your travel window, see relevant details about your upcoming flight on the app's home screen.


Sign in with your TrueBlue account for a more personalized mobile experience.

In-flight experience

View and set reminders for the DIRECTV® schedule for your flight, and check out a listing of all our SiriusXM Satellite Radio® channels. Plus, tease your appetite by checking out the tasty snacks and drinks being served onboard.


Share travel plans with people in your life, and use the Pick Me Up feature to help people picking you up plan their ride to and from the airport.

Guide to fun

Learn the hotspots at your destination with the City Guide. Plus, create custom postcards, download wallpapers for your phone and more.